my own private idaho


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road to idaho

Why, you wouldn't even look at a clock unless hours were lines of coke, dials looked like the signs of gay bars, or time itself was a fair hustler in black leather. There is no reason to know the time. We are timeless.
2 44 welcome to Idaho
2016-03-14 19:06:03 - bodhisattva


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There's not another road anywhere that looks like this road, I mean exactly like this road. It's one kind of place, one of a kind. Like someone's face. Like a fucked-up face.
1 156 shoes to stars #1
2016-03-16 18:40:58 - kotik


I always know where I am by the way the road looks. Like, I just know that I've been here before, I just know that I've been stuck here like this one fucking time before, you know that? yeah.
1 116 Рекламные буклеты
2016-04-22 21:12:21 - pr

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